Intex 28000E Deluxe Wall-Mounted Swimming Pool Surface Automatic Skimmer with Removeable Skimmer Basket for 800+ GPH Pumps

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Intex 28000E Deluxe Wall-Mounted Swimming Pool Surface Automatic Skimmer with Removeable Skimmer Basket for 800+ GPH Pumps
Intex 28000E Deluxe Wall-Mounted Swimming Pool Surface Automatic Skimmer with Removeable Skimmer Basket for 800+ GPH Pumps

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Product Features

  • Attaches to filter pump for automatic skimming
  • Strainer basket pulls out for easy cleaning
  • Requires an Intex filter pump with a mininum flow rate of 800 gph (3,028 L/hr)
  • Easily mounts to EASY SET POOL sidewalls with adjustable bracket (THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE BRACKET USED FOR THE METAL FRAMED POOL)
  • Helps catch leaves and other debris before they sink to the bottom of the pool Durable polypropylene plastic is not affected by pool chemicals

Product Specifications

Product Dimensions 13.7 x 8 x 9.5 inches
Item Weight 4.12 pounds
Manufacturer Intex
Item model number 28000E
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No

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  1. 8ft INTEX POOL SET UP W/FILTER/SKIMMER/CARTRIDGES. This is an awesome buy to go with the the 1000gl per hour intex filter, 8ft Intex pool, PERFECT!!! Same water for 2 months now, crystal clear, perfect ph, check chemicals every day or 2, run filter 6 or 8hrs a day, clean filter cartridge thoroghly? Bought a 10ft screened in conopy to cover pool from insects and the dog, keeps pool way cool in the summer sun and kinda bug free, surprisingly, live in Fla., Skimmer gets everthing on the surface, circulates water nice, side intake n outflow holes in pool. When 1st getting in pool you can see the sweat, dead skin floating in skimmer vortex so cleaning and changing cartridge in the filter is important to keeping pool clear and PH RIGHT!!! Plus wanna catch all the (floaties), yeah pools great at night. Also important, rinse off after you get out ALWAYS, ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE SENSITIVE SKIN, If you let the water dry on you and not shower, yuck, be clean, hose off when you get out, that water is not drinkable RINSE Also bought Amazon Skooba $31.00 vacuum, also awesome. When adding liquid merodic acid, just need a little, 2-3 ozs mixed with water, soda ash, 1 or 2 tablespoons mixed with water, mix it in good, let filter run, test in an hour, PH is important to keeping pool right, dont never try to shock these little pools, if you didnt keep the water right, drain it and try it again, clean pool empty with cup or 2 of clorine mixed with about quart of water and get in empty pool with and a medium soft brush, scrub mold, let it sit for a bit rinse and suck it dry with wet shop vac, rinse it again and shop vac it til its (CRYSTAL CLEAN) refill it… Be smart, want it right? Gotta take care of it n keep it right, test it , chemicals in moderation I rinse off before I go in, I am a 6ft3 300lbs gorilla handyman from hell, sweaty dirty whiteboy from Jersey and a fish outta water, love Florida, PARADISE This whole set up cost less then $300.00 pool filter skimmer vac and 10ft screen cabana and this is the 2nd season, 3rd for the pool, cant beat it, pool to cool off and unwind play and enjoy, less then $300.00 Awesome!!! G/F had a great idea!!! Good Luck. .. ussey777 in Clearwater Florida00

  2. Would recommend to anyone with an above ground pool. I ordered this to use with our Intext 10’x30” prism frame pool. We recently upgraded our pool filter to the Intex C1500 Krystal Clear Cartridge Filter Pump with a 1500GPH pump flow rate. I just installed the skimmer and within 15 min all of the surface debris was in the basket. It typically takes me 25 mins of constantly using a hand held skimmer to remove it all manually. I am super excited to be able to just hop in our pool now with out a 30 min prep job prior! This is a huge recommendation from me!

  3. Works Fine. Bought this for a Summer Waves quick set inflatable ring pool. Worked fine but here’s a few tips!1. You will need the following “RAWARS Enhance Pool Maintenance with Vacuum Adapter Skimmer Attachment for Summer Waves Rp/rx Filter Systems Ground Pools Floating” it’s an adapter for the suction fitting on these pools because they are different than Intex and Bestway. I’d recommend the prime shipping. I was cheap and ordered from china took nearly 3 weeks.2. You’ll need a standard SS screw tight hose clamp because the intex tubing is a bit large for the adapter.3. As many have said you’ll need at least a 1000gph pump.4. Filter being clean will greatly effect the operation of the skimmer so keep filter clean!Happy Skimming!

  4. Tiffanie Engbaum August 31, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Must have pool item. It helps keeps the pool so clean and reduces anything flowing threw the pump. I added the reusable filter sock to keep the smaller debris from going through.

  5. Clean pool. Helps keep my pool looking good and clean.Do recommend this product

  6. Works amazing. Without cutting a hole in my pool, this was the quickest way to get stuff off of the top of the water. Worked amazing, and the reducer that it came with was really helpful.

  7. Boston Shopper July 22, 2024 at 12:00 am

    Skimmer is a Winner. This skimmer is well worth it. I was really surprised that it works so well My INTEX pool maintenance time has been cut in half. So when you trap insects in this bug jacuzzi, they don’t last in the basket, they make it into the filter eventually. I bought filter basket socks, they work well, but the bugs still find there way into the pump through the gap around the basket and skimmer wall. I recommend this for your INTEX pool.

  8. Works for my small pool. I read reviews saying that this needed a strong pump (I believe 1000gph) but the pump that came with my intel pool is 330gph (pump name Intex C330). My pool is a metal frame 7’2”x5’, I had no issues clamping this on the white metal frame. It fit well on the pool outlet but at first I was getting no suction. I tried the included flow reducer for the other pool outlet but still no suction. Then I switched to completely blocking off the other outlet with one of the black caps that came included with my pool. The basket was floating above the water and no water was going in the top so I ended up tilting the whole basket by screwing it into the frame a bit sideways, at a slight angle. Now it draws water in on one side and leaves and bugs float into the basket that way! I don’t have the suction swirl I see on other reviews but it still works for me!

  9. Works great to help capture leaves a debris. Our Intex pool only came with the pool wall inlet connections which does nothing for getting the debris out of the pool. This skimmer was easy to install and with a little adjustment for position at the waterline has been very effective at removing the floating debris on the water’s surface. I also purchased socks for the screen inside the skimmer which increased the effectiveness by trapping finer material that would normally go through the screen and end up in the pool filter. I normally have to clean it out everyday, but it only takes a few minutes to clean with all of the interior pieces coming out as an assembly. Flip out the leaves and garbage, put the outer sleeve back over the screen and reinstall. I don’t have to clean the pool filter nearly as often since I installed the skimmer.

  10. Patty Whitehouse October 12, 2024 at 12:00 am

    Very efficient. I hate to say this but, I tried another brand. Mostly because I could never get the first one of these that I bought to sit straight. It always sat crooked, and only pulled water from one side. No matter how much I turned and adjusted the hose, I could never get it to sit straight.The one I bought in its place was smaller and sleeker looking. I won’t go into why I didn’t like it, except for the fact it didn’t work half as good as this brand, even with it sitting crooked. So I bought this one again. This time I played with the hose turning and adjusting it until I got it to sit straight. This one blows away the one I bought in its place. My pool was full of floating debris from the last storm we had. After I turned on the pump, the debris was gone in about 30-40 minutes. So in short, I will keep buying this brand when I need a new one.Definitely worth the price.

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