The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program to Fight Cancer and Other Illnesses, Cover may vary

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The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program to Fight Cancer and Other Illnesses, Cover may vary
The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program to Fight Cancer and Other Illnesses, Cover may vary

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With over 300,000 copies sold, The Gerson Therapy paved the way for alternative cancer treatments and has successfully treated Cancer, Hepatitis, Migraines, Arthritis, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and Autoimmune diseases with a revolutionary all-natural program.
For years, the traditional medical establishment has called these chronic or life-threatening diseases incurable. But now, The Gerson Therapy® offers hope for those seeking relief from hundreds of different diseases.

One of the first alternative cancer therapies, The Gerson Therapy® has successfully treated thousands of patients for over 60 years and has clinic locations around the country. The definitive natural cancer and chronic illness guide, alternative medicine therapist Charlotte Gerson and medical journalist Morton Walker reveal the powerful healing effects of nutrition, organic foods, food preparation, meal planning, and supplements combined to treat a variety of ailments.  
The Gerson Therapy® shows you:
   • How to beat cancer by changing your body chemistry 

   • Special juicing techniques for maximum healing

   • How to conquer symptoms of allergies, obesity, high blood pressure, HIV, lupus, and other chronic illnesses 

   • Which supplements will strengthen your immune system

   • How to prepare delicious, healthy foods using Gerson-approved recipes included in the book

   • And much more! 

This unique resource will help and inspire everyone who has ever said, "I want to get well. Just show me how." The Gerson Therapy® offers a powerful, time-tested healing option that has worked for others—and can work for you.
With over 300,000 copies sold, The Gerson Therapy paved the way for alternative cancer treatments and has successfully treated Cancer, Hepatitis, Migraines, Arthritis, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and Autoimmune diseases with a revolutionary all-natural program.
For years, the traditional medical establishment has called these chronic or life-threatening diseases incurable. But now, The Gerson Therapy® offers hope for those seeking relief from hundreds of different diseases.
One of the first alternative cancer therapies, The Gerson Therapy® has successfully treated thousands of patients for over 60 years and has clinic locations around the country. The definitive natural cancer and chronic illness guide, alternative medicine therapist Charlotte Gerson and medical journalist Morton Walker reveal the powerful healing effects of nutrition, organic foods, food preparation, meal planning, and supplements combined to treat a variety of ailments.  
The Gerson Therapy® shows you:
   • How to beat cancer by changing your body chemistry 
   • Special juicing techniques for maximum healing
   • How to conquer symptoms of allergies, obesity, high blood pressure, HIV, lupus, and other chronic illnesses 
   • Which supplements will strengthen your immune system
   • How to prepare delicious, healthy foods using Gerson-approved recipes included in the book
   • And much more! 
This unique resource will help and inspire everyone who has ever said, "I want to get well. Just show me how." The Gerson Therapy® offers a powerful, time-tested healing option that has worked for others—and can work for you.
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  1. amazing. Dr Gerson published medical papers in Germany on his results curing cancer. His therapy is still being used, world wide, with similar results. He moves to the US, and is branded a quack and they refuse to publish new papers. His cure is too simple. Plus it seemed to cure everything. Well for someone with cancer, taking 11 glasses of fresh juice every day would not be that simple. I am sure they would need help. Also the method of pressing the vegetables, and squeezing the juice through cheese cloth seems very hard for a sick person to do. Some might have to use a simpler juicer, against the recommendations of the book author, just to keep up. Sometimes you just have to do the best you can.You have to read the book for the details, but my take on it is that his method floods the body with antioxidants. So of course it is good for more than just one condition. When you read in the newspaper, or magazines, about eating foods high in antioxidants, does it say to do it to help with just one health condition? No, of course not. It can help in many ways. No snake oil treatment here, just sound medical advice.There is a video documentary on Dr Gerson, that is a must watch. Parts of it are available on utube. I got it from my video service. It gives both sides, interviewing people who were not familiar with the therapy, but who branded him a quack. Also interviewing doctors who used the therapy successfully, and who had no doubt that it worked. I know Dr Gerson testified in congress about his work, and they were impressed enough to try and pass a bill on funds for cancer research. It was narrowly defeated after much opposition from medical lobbyists. Why the opposition? Could they really think that research could put doctors and drug manufacturing out of business? That does make sense to me. Unless maybe one small cancer drug company was in a panic. Or maybe the lobbyists were hired by people who believed he really was a quack. I always thought that people who condemn something with out investigating it, are fools. Dr Gersons original book was published years ago, before he was murdered. Also, an attempt was made on his life while he was writing it. Someone knows who killed him and why. The cure rate achieved for certain cancers was about 70 percent. It is not a guarantied 100 percent cure. He had positive results where others failed. Names are named in the book of people cured, and you will recognize them. According to the book, chances of going into remission were much higher using the Gerson therapy, than with chemo.

  2. This Really Works. I had heard about the Gerson Therapy from a close friend who’s co worker had stage 4 lung cancer and attempted this therapy as care. After a few months of the therapy, the cancer had reversed and the lung cancer slowly dissipated. Three years later he is living a normal life, running every morning and no longer dealing with cancer.I thought this to be unbelievable, until another friend was diagnosed with fatty liver disease and given 6 months to live unless a liver transplant was conducted. After taking himself off of his 12 medications and completing the Gerson Therapy for 30 days, he no longer needed a transplant and doctors were dumbfounded. They had no answer as to why his liver had become healthy again.My friend told me this story two months before I had my first gallbladder attack. I was so sick, I could not eat anything other than fruit without having extreme pain in my upper right abdomen and feeling unbearably nauseous. I lost 12 pounds in 10 days and became so malneurished due to my body not properly digesting food that there were days when I could not form proper sentences. In my head I knew what I wanted to say, but my brain could not get the words to my mouth. This was extremely scary for me, as I had never had health problems like this before and I am the only person in my immediate family without a digestive disease. My brother and sister having ulcerative colitis, my dad chrone’s and my mother celiac. I went to six different doctors, had numerous tests completed and no one could tell me what was happening. The only reason I now know I had a gallbladder attack was because I researched it myself, obtaining numerous books on gallbladder and liver problems and studying them until I could complete a self diagnosis. When I suggested this may be the problem to one specific doctor on my 9th visit with her, she simply told me ‘yes, that could be.’ No one could tell me what was wrong, so I found the answers myself.Through part of my research, I found the Gerson Therapy and remembered the stories of it helping those with multiple digestive issues. The Gerson Therapy has even been proven to cure ulcerative colitis and celiac disease, so I thought I would give it a try. I completed 30 days of the therapy, drinking all of the juice and sticking to the strict diet. The only thing I changed was that I only completed 1-2 coffee enemas per day, as I work full time in an office completing the enemas three times per day was difficult. I can now eat whatever I want, drink alcohol and caffeine without being in extreme pain, and (although a bit of a TMI) I have regular and normal bowel movements.I HIGHLY recommend this therapy to anyone having any type of digestive issues, and even if you are not having any problems at all. My husband completed the therapy with me for support, difficult for him as he had to stop drinking beer and eating wings ;), but after the first two weeks he admitted that he felt like a new person. If you are dealing with any type of health issues, PLEASE check this out!!! Not only is this therapy a working science miracle, but I highly recommend this specific book because it really lays out the history and the science behind the therapy. Here’s to feeling better!

  3. An Adaptable Therapy for Improved Health and Wellness. Although this book deals primarily with cancer reversal therapy, I’ve adapted and utilized the base philosophy to lose weight and improve my overall health. I drink a quart of fresh juice and two super smoothies each day, and I’ve lost over 25 pounds in the first 6 weeks, In addition to my weight loss success, my skin is no longer dry and itchy, my energy level has increased dramatically, my mood has improved significantly, my urine flow is stronger, and I’m having two to three bowel movements each day. My overall health picture has improved from a level of 5, when I started, to a level of 8 today. That’s significant for me because next March I’ll turn 65 years old.My doctor is amazed at the progress I’ve made in six weeks. I reduced my A1C from 6.6 to 5.7, and my blood pressure is down to 110/60. As a result, he reduced my blood pressure and diabetes medications by half during my visit last week. At this rate, I could be off of all my medications by this time next year.Another aspect of the Gerson Therapy is the concept of coffee enemas. It sounded somewhat weird to me too initially, but once I decided to try one I became a believer; now I take one about every two weeks. Once I developed a procedure that was simple and easy for me to perform, the process became very relaxing, and now I feel better after each enema. Don’t knock it until you try it.I really like this book and I’d recommend it to anyone who needs a health makeover.

  4. Esta interesante.

  5. flying-french-Guy July 10, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Has many healing testimonies. Awesome great knowledge.

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