The China Study: Revised and Expanded Edition: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-Term Health

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The China Study: Revised and Expanded Edition: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-Term Health
The China Study: Revised and Expanded Edition: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-Term Health
$11.57 $17.95

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The revised and expanded edition of the bestseller that changed millions of lives

The science is clear. The results are unmistakable.

You can dramatically reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes
just by changing your diet.

More than 30 years ago, nutrition researcher T. Colin Campbell and his team at Cornell, in partnership with teams in China and England, embarked upon the China Study, the most comprehensive study ever undertaken of the relationship between diet and the risk of developing disease. What they found when combined with findings in Colin's laboratory, opened their eyes to the dangers of a diet high in animal protein and the unparalleled health benefits of a whole foods, plant-based diet.

In 2005, Colin and his son Tom, now a physician, shared those findings with the world in
The China Study, hailed as one of the most important books about diet and health ever written.

Featuring brand new content, this heavily expanded edition of Colin and Tom's groundbreaking book includes the latest undeniable evidence of the power of a plant-based diet, plus updated information about the changing medical system and how patients stand to benefit from a surging interest in plant-based nutrition.

The China Study—Revised and Expanded Edition presents a clear and concise message of hope as it dispels a multitude of health myths and misinformation. The basic message is clear. The key to a long, healthy life lies in three things: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
The revised and expanded edition of the bestseller that changed millions of lives
The science is clear. The results are unmistakable.
You can dramatically reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes just by changing your diet.
More than 30 years ago, nutrition researcher T. Colin Campbell and his team at Cornell, in partnership with teams in China and England, embarked upon the China Study, the most comprehensive study ever undertaken of the relationship between diet and the risk of developing disease. What they found when combined with findings in Colin’s laboratory, opened their eyes to the dangers of a diet high in animal protein and the unparalleled health benefits of a whole foods, plant-based diet.
In 2005, Colin and his son Tom, now a physician, shared those findings with the world in The China Study, hailed as one of the most important books about diet and health ever written.
Featuring brand new content, this heavily expanded edition of Colin and Tom’s groundbreaking book includes the latest undeniable evidence of the power of a plant-based diet, plus updated information about the changing medical system and how patients stand to benefit from a surging interest in plant-based nutrition.
The China Study—Revised and Expanded Edition presents a clear and concise message of hope as it dispels a multitude of health myths and misinformation. The basic message is clear. The key to a long, healthy life lies in three things: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
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  1. Everyone(including and almost more importantly physicians) should read this book. In college I played 3 sports a day while eating little other than fast food, frozen pizzas and Busch light. I have always been in pretty good shape and never been even close to overweight.When I recently became a little older(30), and started looking into how to eat healthy, much of the most available information was very conflicting. Was the healthiest way to eat and live Paleo, raw, Bulletproof, Vegan, or something else. I read though “How Not to Die” -Micheal Greger, and came away more than surprised that there is a very simple, proven(supported in hundreds of ways by thousands of studies over the past 50 years or more) way that everyone should eat whether they are sick or not. Both Dr. Greger’s book and The China Study are partially summaries of hundreds of research studies and that is what it took for me to be convinced. These are very different from “diet” books that are published almost solely to make money. I am convinced that both Campbell and Greger only care about getting the actual scientific evidence to the public. I know Dr. Greger gives all the money from his book sales to his notprofit website( But just read for yourself and see.I began with the WFPB diet about 2 months ago and follow it probably 90% of the time(I don’t let it interfere much in social situations, and still have a few beers). While I felt great before starting, and didn’t have much to improve physically, the only difference I have noticed so far is that I am starting to see my abs(which I have never really been able to do.) Currently have a 4 pack but am pretty confident it will turn into 8 in a few months. Also while my B/P and cholesterol were “normal”(for the “healthy” american) last time I had them checked, I’m pretty sure they will be much lower the next time, and close to as actually healthy as they can be.(Edit- 4 months later B/P down to 105/63 from 132/80)The last quarter of this book, especially the new edition had some pretty amazing information including a multiple decade long inside look at how Big Medicine, Big Pharma, the government, the meat and dairy industries, and even universities have prevented the actual science from reaching the public, but allow their own business/industry supporting versions.One amazing example is how Dr. Esselstyn(a previous famous cardiac surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic) now treats many of the senior staff at the clinic with the WFPB lifestyle change, but is basically prevented in many ways by the clinic from treating the public. The senior staff know the actual best treatment for CAD but will not support it for the public in place of meds and surgery!I am actually starting medical school at a well known university in two months, and am excited to be a physician that will treat people in the best way possible, based on a summation of all the research(including the wholistic type). And that may be starting them on a WFPB diet(even though I’m pretty sure I will not learn that in med school).”How did we get to a place where the companies that profit from out sickness are the ones telling us how to be healthy; where the companies that profit from our food choices are telling us what to eat; where the public’s hard-earned money is being spent by the government to boost the drug industry’s profits; and where there is more distrust than trust of our government’s policies on foods, drugs, and health? How did we get to a place where Americans are so confused about what is healthy that they no longer care?”In this book Campbell backs up all of these statements that are very sad but true. Read it, be open minded, and I bet it will change your life for the better.

  2. An absolute must-read! Thank you, Dr Campbell. In 2005, at the age of 37, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and have suffered unspeakable pain every day since then. Doctors recommended I start Enbrel injections, saying it was either that, or end up on a wheelchair. At no point did any healthcare professional ask me what I was eating. I ate anything that was pre-made, like pastas, burgers, cookies, breads, chips, pastries of all kinds, Mexican and Italian food with lots of butter and oils, drank sodas and sweet tea every single day, with the occasional “healthy” meal to (supposedly) bring balance. I WISH I had known about the simple truths Dr. Campbell presents in this book! It took my body THREE days to start feeling remarkably better once I radically eliminated all the poisons I was eating, and fully embraced a plant-based diet. I made two rules for myself in this new lifestyle: first, I would never go hungry, and second, I would only eat what I like and enjoy. Well, I have discovered an entire world of delicious and surprisingly filling foods! Because I’m actually able to handle and chop ingredients now that the pain is almost completely gone (I’ve been doing this for 2 months now), I find it fun to prepare meals, actually! It’s been waaaay easier than I would’ve thought!The healing that is taking place in my body since breaking off all ties to toxic foods and enjoying simple recipes using fruits, vegetables, brown rice, beans, and lots of green leafs, etc. is nothing short of miraculous! I feel energetic, younger, in a better mood, better able to handle stressful situations and just happier!Please read this book and share it with friends and family. I also recommend Dr. Esselstyn and Dr. McDougall’s books. They’ve changed my life. As far as films, I’m forever grateful for the story of Phil on “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” which inspired me to get off my butt and do this already. Also, “That Sugar Film” is a must see. But if you want a summary of what’s on this wonderful book, The China Study, watch “Forks Over Knives” on Netflix.You CAN reverse disease! I’m living proof. I feel healthier but I also have the improved cholesterol reports to prove it. I just can’t wait to get a new RA panel to compare with the old, terrible one.Break up with processed foods, dairy and meats the same way you’d break off a relationship with a toxic person. Just walk away and never look back. You’ll love the new you. 🙂

  3. Great Content – Poor Printing. The content is perfect, but I have an earlier edition printed on thicker, white paper and all black text.The revised edition I received is printed on thin, textured, beige paper with both grey & black text. It’s difficult to read and not as nice to hold.

  4. Life Changing – Amazing, Detailed, Easy Read. T. Colin Campbell does an amazing job of providing scientific proof of why a WFPB Diet can be extremely beneficial. Although this book is packed with scientific information and details, it truly was an easy read for me.I bought a copy 5+ years ago, read it and then borrowed it out. Because I felt the book was of such benefit to the individual I borrowed it to, I never asked for it back, but just bought an additional copy. I’m now reading and highlighting this book for a second time.I know this book has changed my life for the better! Following a WFPB Diet as explained in this book has helped me lose weight, improve my eye sight, decreased inflammation, among other positive health effects!This book is great as a gift as well!

  5. guillermo hernandez October 11, 2024 at 12:00 am

    China study book. Great and excellent book to read . Explaining the real truth of food in American eating.lots off factual knowledge

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