Prevent And Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure

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Prevent And Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure
Prevent And Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure

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Reading books is a kind of enjoyment. Reading books is a good habit. We bring you a different kinds of books. You can carry this book where ever you want. It is easy to carry. It can be an ideal gift to yourself and to your loved ones. Care instruction keep away from fire.
Reading books is a kind of enjoyment. Reading books is a good habit. We bring you a different kinds of books. You can carry this book where ever you want. It is easy to carry. It can be an ideal gift to yourself and to your loved ones. Care instruction keep away from fire.
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  1. A 23 y/o medically passionate aspiring doctors view. I am a complete science dork. My favorite course in undergrad (just last year!) was biochemistry where we learned about how food is broken down and used up in our bodies, to put it very simply. Anyway, I actually became no-added-fat vegetarian on the weekdays while in undergrad just because it made sense due to the basic science principles. I didn’t need to read studies to figure that one out…which is comforting because it makes the claims by this book easily understood and accepted. Anyway, I read several books before this one that recounted research from the 1970’s and earlier that all suggested the same dietary approach for several significant reasons. The thing is, I was still eating my pizza, ice creams, etc Friday – Sunday. I eventually came across this book which has transformed me completely. The book is written so well–very easy and entertaining read. Somthing I could not put down the 1st time and then read for a second time. The information is well explained for non-science geeks without being too elementary for us science folk. Whats especially nice is that the recipes are amazing and that there are many other recipe books out there for further support. I use the recipes in here on a daily basis (please try the black bean & corn salad…way more yummy than you would assume by just reading the ingredients!) and I retire to the Almost No-fat books by Bryanna Clark Grogan. Look her up–O-M-G. Good tasting comforting food…great holiday food too. Anyway, it’s just nice that changing your entire dietary approach is not as hard as it may seem due to all the great CHEAP resources available out there. Please do not read the rules of the book and think its too complicated. Please give it a good honest try. For me, trying out some nonfat vegan junk food helped. I still eat it very sparingly due to habit, but it helped me out mentally to know that I could have anything I wanted with the promise of a fruitful future. Best of luck. Read the book–it’s fun, enlightening and it challenges you to become the best person you can be for yourself. If you have high self worth and self respect, the first step to prevention or reverese should come easy. If you love to cook and enjoy experimentation in the kitchen like I do, then you’re going to have a ball–just make sure to buy some recipe books out there because learning how to do many of these things out of theblue is a bit frustrating otherwise and the most important thing here is our compliance to the diet rather than our pride. You learn many new techniques and learn a lot about the vast array of foods around you that you may have not appreciated nearly as much. =)UPDATE: I am now writing as a medical student. I still stand by this book–it is a phenominal resource for all those lookingto avoid the many heart wrenching diseases that slowly torture it’s victims. I don’t mean to sound so artsy in that sentance but what I forgot to mention before in writing this review is that I spent 6 months as an intern for the social security disability service in my area where I spoke to hundreds of people who were seeing their last days of life approaching within a 12 month span….the majority of these disability benefit seekers were suffering from cardiac disease and it was so sad to know that they couldn’t even walk to the mail box, play with their kids/grandkids or have intercourse with their partner–all of these “exertional” activities would be far too overwhelming for their frail hearts to handle. One man was in his later 40’s without any symptoms of heart disease who, thanks to some routine medical care, found out that he had less than 8 months to live. He was to be wed that year. He was also not the first in his condition. I even had a marathon runner apply for the same reasons. Remember 2 things: 1. Heart attack / death may be your very first symptom that anything is wrong. 2. A good BMI does not mean “healthy.” I’ve been super thin my whole life–always maintained a slim figure with pizza, hamburgers and ice cream. While I only ate each of these items “on occasion” I now realize, in retrospect, that I ate these things (considering you consolodate all the junk food into 1 general category) preettttyyyy frequently. Anyway, just some food for thought. You are what you eat….just beacuse you look one way on the outside doesn’t mean everything. ALSO….my great grandmother lived to be 101 with PHENOMINAL health and died of a freak non-health-related accident. Mind you, her daughter has diabetes and is struggling with her health. Some of her grandchildren and great grandchildren are also in pretty bad health conditions. So don’t do yourself the diservice of comparing your super healthy grandparent to the rest of society and brushing off health concerns as a concern merely for the masses and not for you or else you might end up in a very poor place. I’m just really happy to have been exposed to the things that I’ve seen and heard while working with the disability service. It SCARED me. I cried for the people over the phone and was motivated to never be in their shoes. If you’re in the same boat, I urge you to read this book for enjoyment, education and for learning proactive measures to better your health. =)

  2. 4/08/2013-Heart attack. 6/04/2013-Cardiologist said don’t come back for 6 months. This is my first review on Amazon.I just turned 51. I have exercised since our first gym membership in 1978. I have worked out extensively. I have 2 bikes I ride regularly. I have a gym in my garage, with pull-up tower and padded floor and TV/DVD player. I have eaten what I thought was a healthy diet. Take vitamins every day. In other words, I was in pretty good shape and thought I was OK. On April 8, 2013, I had just finished exercising. I felt like I really needed to eat. Ate some greek yogurt and strawberries. Still didn’t feel right. I laid down with a fan blowing on me. I felt overheated. I noticed a slight numbness in my left arm. Strange. Swallowed an aspirin. Noticed my arm was a little more numb. Chewed an aspirin. Then, I thought to myself “If I don’t get off of the floor, I may never get up”. Told my wife to take me to the new heart hospital, conveniently located about 1 1/2 miles from my house.45 minutes after walking into the ER, I was being wheeled into my room with 2 stents installed. Wake up call.The Cardiologist said that in my main artery, towards the center of my chest, I had 100% blockage. He cleared that and put in a stent. Then, below that blockage was a 70% blockage. Cleared and stent. In the other main artery, on the other side of my heart, there is 50% blockage. He can’t put in a stent because it’s too dangerous. Have to clear it with diet. I tell you all of this to give you the back-story. I went to Amazon and looked for books on cardiovascular disease. I found this book. My wife and I read the reviews and decided to give it a try. The results have been amazing! Today, we have been on a plant-based diet for 4 weeks. A lot of these reviews will tell you to just try it for a month. Good advice. Just do that and see what happens.Here are my cholesterol numbers. My numbers from the first day at the hospital are 4/08/13. Last week, after 3 weeks of the plant diet, I had my blood tested again. That was 5/28/13.Total Cholesterol- was 271, now 120, should be under 200, or 150 to be heart attack proof.LDL or bad cholesterol- was 206, now 68, should be under 100.Cholesterol/HDL ratio was 5.2, now 3.2, Men: 5.0 is average.Triglycerides-was 81, now 90, should be under 150.I have lost 11 pounds in 4 weeks. My wife has lost 8 pounds. She has had IBS all of her life. Since we started the plant eating lifestyle, she doesn’t have stomach aches anymore. She used to have them all the time. Our energy levels have never been better. My mind is sharper than ever. You feel so much better, lighter, cleaner. It’s hard to describe. Now, after a night’s sleep, we wake up feeling like we slept, instead of waking up tired.A friend of mine watched the Forks Over Knives documentary with his parents and they all decided to try it. His Dad has been diabetic for a long time. At the start of the plant diet, his blood sugar was 253. After one week of plant eating he dropped 120 points! Last week, after 2 weeks of plants, his blood sugar was 96! He has never had it that low.Get the book. Read it. Watch Forks Over Knives. Follow the guidelines. Tell your friends. It works Yesterday my Cardiologist said that I am doing so great that he doesn’t need to see me for 6 months!I hope this helps you with your decision.Todd

  3. Melhor livro sobre reversão ou prevenção de doenças coronáianas

  4. Excelente texto para referencias y puntos importantes en la justificación del porqué es necesario llevar una dieta basada en plantas para prevenir la enfermedad coronaria.

  5. Be prepared to adhere to a strict regimen. Great tutorial!! Sage advice,with strong supportive evidence. If you can adhere to it you probably won’t die of heart disease,but I’m assured something will get you!!

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