Srhythm NC25 Wireless Headphones Bluetooth 5.3, Lightweight Noise Cancelling Headset Over-Ear with Low Latency,Game Mode

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Srhythm NC25 Wireless Headphones Bluetooth 5.3, Lightweight Noise Cancelling Headset Over-Ear with Low Latency,Game Mode
Srhythm NC25 Wireless Headphones Bluetooth 5.3, Lightweight Noise Cancelling Headset Over-Ear with Low Latency,Game Mode

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Product Features

  • Digital Active Noise Cancelling Technology(ANC): Just press the ANC button,it will offer a pure immersive world for you whether in wired or Bluetooth mode.Professionally isolate 90% of surrounding noise from aircraft,subways,cars and crowds.(Kindly Note:It’s NOT 100% noise cancellation.Human talking CAN NOT be elimated and ANC is less effective in quiet environments)
  • Hear the Natural: 40mm drivers provide high-res audio in silence,along with 360 degree omnidirectional noise-canceling ANC technology, a high-response diaphragm,and lightweight voice coil. Deliver peerless sound with no interruptions.Sometimes quality just needs to be heard.Deliver clear sound with full dynamic range,rich bass and crisp mids to find the rhythm of your soul
  • 50H Playtime with Type-C Interface: A built-in 1000mAh large battery.Charging 10minutes and working 3hours. 2.5hours for full charge.You can enjoy your world without noise for 50 hours' long time with a single charge.or plug in 3.5mm stereo audio cable to prolong using time when the battery is low(Tips: Recommend to turn off the ANC when not in use to avoid unnecessary power consumption.In wired mode ANC button works,but you need control the volume by your phone.)
  • Replaceable Ear-pads and Durable Folding Compact Support Arms: Only 0.42lb lightweight for NC25 basing on ergonomic headset structure.100 degree inward rotation and 120 degree inward folding ear-cups designed for daily storage and travel.Adjustable padded headband makes it easy to fit all sizes of heads.So comfy you forget you have them on
  • 50ms Low Latency Mode: Ideal Bluetooth headphones for watching TV,video conference,and gaming, press the multi-function button three times to activate the low latency mode. It greatly improves sensitivity and connection stability while enjoying 50ms senseless latency of playing experience

Product Specifications

Product Dimensions 8.9 x 6.1 x 2.22 inches
Item Weight 6.7 ounces
Item model number NC25
Batteries 2 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included)
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No
Date First Available February 28, 2020
Manufacturer Srhythm
Charging Time 2.5 Hours
Item Weight 190 Grams
Units 1 Count
Number Of Items 1

Product Price History


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  1. Désireuse de remplacer mon casque ancien casque filaire par un modèle bluetooth, je suis partie à la recherche d’un appareil de bonne qualité sans pour autant avoir à payer plus de 200€. Après avoir vu une vidéo donnant de bons retours sur ce modèle j’ai décidé de franchir le pas.Au déballage, difficile de ne passer à côté d’un point qui donne la première impression : le produit tente vraiment d’offrir le meilleur packaging pour le prix. En premier, la boite fait penser à celle offerte par certains terminaux mobiles milieu de gamme. Le casque est livré avec une boite semi-rigide permettant de tenir le casque et tous les autres accessoires fournis. Au rayon des accessoires justement j’ai pu trouver un cable micro-USB de bonne facture, un câble permettant le branchement en filaire du casque efficace mais vraiment trop court, et un adaptateur pour avion basique mais qui a le mérite d’exister.En parlant du câble audio jack 3.5 fourni, j’ai préféré le remplacer par un autre modèle que j’avais à disposition à savoir celui fourni avec un casque gaming logitech G233 prodigy. Ce dernier fait un bon 50cm de plus, juste ce qu’il faut pour le placer dans la poche et avoir encore suffisamment de mou pour éviter que le tout se débranche lors des mouvements amples. En plus, il y a la présence d’un micro et d’un bouton permettant de répondre aux appels et de mettre la musique en pause. Je suis d’ailleurs surprise qu’un tel type de câble soit absent.Pour ce qui est du casque en lui même, difficile de ne pas faire la comparaison avec mon ancien bose AE2 tellement la finition et le confort s’en rapproche. En premier, les mousses simili cuir offrent un confort excellent, recouvrent parfaitement les oreilles en isolant déjà des sons extérieurs de manière passive. Le casque présente des un réglage en hauteur qui ressemble comme deux goutes d’eau à celui proposé par le AE2, à la seule différence qu’elles sont un peu plus large et sont bordées d’un revêtement imitation chrome du plus bel effet.Au niveau de la qualité de construction, c’est donc globalement une superbe réussite qui à elle seule permet de comprendre le prix pratiqué. Ce n’est pas parfait malgré tout, et j’avoue avoir un peu peur de la durabilité de la charnière permettant le rangement du casque dans sa house (cf photo). Pas certaine que le casque résiste bien longtemps aux rigueurs d’une utilisation urbaine continue. J’espère malgré tout me tromper. Autre petit point négatif, les surfaces en plastiques mattes sont agréables au touché mais gardent les traces de doigts très rapidement. Rien n’est parfait donc, mais c’est un bon point globalement.Le casque propose un système de suppression active des bruits ambiants plutôt efficace et qu’il est possible d’activer/désactiver via un bouton présent sur le côté du casque. A vrai dire, quand l’environnement est plutôt calme, je préfère désactiver ce mode car il dénature un peu la qualité sonore. De plus, l’isolation passive de ce casque est de base plutôt bonne avec les mousses qui viennent couvrir les oreilles en totalité. Par contre, dans les transports en commun ou autre environnement plus bruyant, ce mode se montre d’une redoutable efficacité ! Même votre voix est atténuée ce qui est vraiment surprenant. Alors non ce n’est pas le silence total mais le gain en terme de silence est vraiment appréciable. Point à noter tout de même, ce mode est activable que lorsque le casque est utilisé en bluetooth et non en filaire.Niveau qualité sonore, je ne suis pas la meilleure mélomane qui existe, mais en comparant ce modèle avec le bose AE2 filaire, je trouve le son plus équilibré, moins sec (à traduire par aux aigus très prononcés). Comme annoncé, pour obtenir la meilleure prestation sonore, le mieux est de désactiver le mode de réduction de bruits ambiants.Si je devais résumer les points positifs de ce casque donc :Confort vraiment excellent, très proche de ce qu’offre un casque bose à presque 150€. Seul le poids (présence de toute l’électronique embarquée) est plus conséquent.Liste des accessoires d’un très bon niveauMode d’atténuation du son efficaceTrès bonne qualité sonoreCompact une fois dans sa housse semi-rigideExcellente portée du mode bluetooth ! Je me suis laissée surprendre par moment à me balader avec le casque sur la tête à plusieurs pièces de distance de mon téléphone sans avoir de coupure de son !Et au niveau des points négatifs qui peuvent être notés :Un peu plus lourd qu’un casque normal : bien que le confort soit excellent, cela peut se ressentir à forceUn peu peur de la durée de vie de la charnière permettant au casque de se plierLa qualité sonore est détériorée en activant l’antibruit actif (perte du spectre dans les basses).La prise jack fournie est de qualité vraiment standard mais il lui manque un bon 50cm de longueur et un bouton multi-fonction.Un peu plus cher que beaucoup de casques vendus ici. De mon point de vue les bonnes qualité globales en valent vraiment la peine mais c’est à vous de voir selon votre utilisation.Très contente globalement donc !

  2. Cuffie con riduzione del rumore. Bel design, ottima robustezza, istruzioni in tutte le lingue anche in Italiano, con spiegazioni e immagini, e supporto da parte del venditore.Queste cuffie possono essere usate anche collegandole al bluetooth del telefonino per rispondere alle chiamate.Possono essere usate per ascoltare musica sul proprio dispositivo senza fili, tramite bluetooth.Il pacco contiene:La scatola o borsa porta cuffie elegante e nera, molto utile e robusto, rigido il giusto, con cerniera che chiude in modo sicuro in modo da poterle portare dietro in ogni momento protette. Retina all’interno per poter mettere il cavo USB di ricarica, il filo per poter ascoltare la musica anche con cavo, e un adattatore apposito.Naturalmente le cuffie, le cui caratteristiche sono:Pulsanti solo su un lato, due per abbassare e alzare il volume, la regolazione del volume funziona anche da pc, si sente un suono ogni volta che si alza e si abbassa il volume. Un pulsante con simbolo rotondo pieno, per accendere e spegnere le cuffie, e se lo teniamo spinto per qualche secondo darà il segnale e la luce lampeggiera violacea e azzurra in simultanea per stabilire e captare il collegamento bluetooth. Altro pulsante per attivare la soppressione dei rumori e/o disattivarla col nome ANC.Regolazione della grandezza, anche se sono molto grandi e almeno per me non vanno regolate, visto che mi stanno larghe già così.Sono flessibili perché si possono, sia per la parte dx che sx, ruotare, piegare sia all’interno che all’esterno.La parte dei cuscinetti è comoda e ampia, sinceramente troppo larga e grande per la mia testa, scivola. Ma io ho sempre avuto questo tipo di problemi con tutte le cuffie.La dicitura R e L sulle cuffie indica in che senso indossarle.C’è il microfono integrato e l’entrata AUX. Tutto come indicato nella descrizione del prodotto.Il collegamento tra cuffie e dispositivo, ad esempio il mio Pc Hp, è stato facile e veloce. Ho dovuto però ricaricare di poco le cuffie, che si caricano velocemente e la luce da rossa diventa blue, allora significa che la ricarica è completa. Per ricaricarle ci ho messo 5 minuti. Poi ho cliccato il pulsante multifunzione con pallino pieno, e inizierà a lampeggiare la luce, attivate la ricerca del dispositivo sul vostro dispositivo e si collegherà in pochi secondi.Riguardo alla tenuta della ricarica è molto elevate, sono due giorni che le uso e ancora è pienamente carica.Per quanto riguarda la soppressione o cancellazione del rumore, non posso dirvi che sia efficace, perché con le cuffie e l’attivazione della soppressione con il pulsante ANC, sento ancora i rumore basilari alla stessa frequenza, naturalmente attivando la musica non si sentono ma questo per tutti i tipi di cuffie…Come da descrizione la voce viene percepita anche con la musica attiva. Per la sicurezza.Non sono riuscita a collegare il dispositivo al cellulare, ho fatto tutta la procedura, ricercando dal mio Samsung J7 il dispositivo, che nonostante sia attivo il segnale per agganciarlo, non è stato trovato, c’è però scritto sulle istruzioni che se si hanno problemi in tal senso, contattare il produttore che vi aiuterà. Ma a quanto pare non riconosce il dispositivo.Altra pecca abbastanza importante è che la musica si sente a bassissimo volume, rispetto ad altre cuffie comprate a 15 euro, che sono durate due anni scarsi, già cominciano ad avere dei problemi, ma l’ascolto era migliore, qui nonostante il volume al massimo si sente a malapena. Dunque non capisco come si possa cancellare il rumore se primo il volume è basso, e secondo non si cancella anche attivando il pulsante apposito.Per questo farò il reso del prodotto.Se cercate delle cuffie anche per i Vostri figli con un volume a regola di legge e basso per la sicurezza, potrebbero andare bene ma per altro non proprio, sopratutto per i giochi online o per chi vuole ascoltare la musica in modo più ” interattivo ” . Si sente meglio, anche le diverse tonalità da pc che da cuffie a questo punto.RECENSIONE RIVISTA:Una mia cara amica mi ha regalato la stessa tipologia di cuffie, non sapendo naturalmente che le avevo già comprate, testate e fatto reso. Ma a quanto pare quelle prese da lei non si presentavano, nonostante fosse lo stesso modello, con i difetti riscontrati da me: l’abbattimento del rumore funziona bene, l’audio alto e ottimale.Sarà stato un modello difettoso il mio? Non saprei dirvi, ma a quanto pare migliorate o no in questi mesi passati, ora funzionano egregiamente. Dunque porterò la recensione ad un livello superiore per onestà.

  3. Comprehensive review! GREAT battery life. Good for those w/ piercings. Alright, here we go: a comprehensive, honest review after months of prolonged use. If you have piercings and are wondering if these would work for you or are hemming and hawing about buying these, read this!TLDR: This headphones are, in my opinion, very much worth the money if you are being realistic about your expectations. Soft earpads, connects to multiple devices, good sound quality, and most importantly, really REALLY incredible battery life. Does not irritate my piercings or cause headaches. To me, the cons are not significant enough to take away from how great these are. They’re no Audio-Technicas but they are a GREAT mid-cost option for people who want some of the more expensive perks/feel without the price tag.My goal was to find decently priced BT over-ear headphones I can wear while doing anything from cooking to gardening to sitting in bed, with a good battery life, that have some similar features to the AT M50X’s.Prior to trying these, I tried: ATH-SR30BTGY and a cheaper pair from Mpow. Neither felt right. So, for only $44.99 (with the discount), I decided to give these a try. And boy oh BOY am I glad I did.The GOOD:1) Battery life. Y’all I kid you not, these have an astronomically LONG battery life and it is WONDERFUL. I have ADHD, so I both use these ALL THE TIME and always forget to charge them. I’ve had these for about 3ish months. During that time, I’ve had to charge these MAYBE 6 times, MAX. I’ve used these at least 20-30 hours a week. I literally use them all day at work. I’ve accidentally left them on in my bag for two days in a row and used them for three straight weeks without charging them. When I did charge them after those 3 weeks, the battery was still above 30%. Truly, the battery life of these is reason enough for me to recommend them. And they charge SO FAST. I put them on the charger while I’m in the shower and an hour or so later, they’re pretty much good to go with full charge.2) Weight (piercings). These babies are SO lightweight. My favorite headphones are the Audio-Technica M50x, which are quite heavy. Even though the M50x fit over my ears, after prolonged use, I found they start to hurt the areas around my ear/cartilage piercings – especially if I wear one earpad half off my ear. That does NOT happen with these Srhythm headphones. They are so lightweight, I regularly forget that they are on my head. The right earpad always sits over my piercings and I experience so little irritation. It’s so refreshing. They’re so light that I can never tell if they’re in my bag or not and have to search through to double check that I have them.3) Earpads (piercings). I have some BIG ears. These earpads are a taller, more oval shape than the M50x’s. While my entire ear doesn’t fit inside the earpad ‘cup’, the top part of my ear does. I don’t wear earrings in my 1st hole lobe piercings very often, but I always have a stud in the 2nd hole in my left lobe and these have not irritated that piercing at all. They don’t bother my conch piercing either! The pads themselves are made from a nice, almost memory-foam like material and they are incredibly soft and comfy. The pad on the underside of the headband is kind of small, but it provides a good amount of cushion and so far, I have not experienced any soreness on the top of my head, where the headband sits.4) Adjustability. While the twisting limits of these are much less than that of the M50x, they have just enough twisting capacity in just the right ways that they work perfectly for what I need. When I push the right pad off my ear, the pad is able to twist to stay flush to my head, allowing the set to stay on my head, snug and secure. The headband extends pretty far, so even folks with longer/larger heads are able to enjoy these.5) Price. These ended up being $48.59 (with tax) for me. It was a little bit more than I wanted to spend, but spending the extra $10ish was definitely worth it. If for no other reason than the incredible battery life. They also come with a nice hard case. I don’t use it regularly, but it is a nice addition.6) Battery, again. Seriously, I cannot say enough good things about the battery life on these. The listing says 50+ hours but personally, I’ve gotten more like 60-72 hours. Not sure how that would change with playing at full volume (I play my music/podcasts at a medium or low volume) but either way, it’s still great.The Meh:1) Noise Cancellation. I honestly do not use this function. I typically leave my right earpad halfway off my ear in order to hear what is going on around me (#ThankYouAnxiety). The few times I have used the function, it seems to do a pretty decent job of, at the very least, dampening sound enough that it is not ‘sharp’ to the ears. Honestly, these do a good job of that even without the noise cancellation function on. For me, that’s enough.2) Mic. I try to use the mic when I make phone calls. So far, I haven’t had anyone really complain that they can’t hear me unless they are also calling through a BT connection, like thru the BT in their car or something. I don’t really have a major opinion on this other than so far it has worked when I need it to.3) Stitching. The stitching on the right earcup, where it sits on my cartilage earrings, is starting to fray a bit. Honestly, that’s to be expected bc, like I said, it’s literally rubbing against an earring with pointed metal. However, it does feel like it’s starting to fray kinda fast for my taste. But we will see how the stitching holds up over continued prolonged use.The “Cons”:1) Latency. I know these are labelled as low-latency, but when I connect these to the Bluetooth receiver hooked up to my TV, there is a small but noticeable delay in sound. My BT receiver/TV is 8-10ft away from where I sit on my bed, max. Ultimately, I’ve gotten used to it and it’s not that big of a deal, but it is a bit of downside to these headphones for me because I bought them, in part to watch TV at night without disturbing anyone else in my house.2) Range/Distance. I know this listing says the headphones work up to “50ms” but honestly, I’ve experienced disruption in signal if my phone is in my left front pocket and I’m moving around/twisting my torso. It’s kind of frustrating when it does happen, but more often than not, the signal is pretty much fine. It just seems to not work well if bodies or walls or whatever are in between the phone/device and the headphones.3) Might be user error? The issue that bugs me the most is I can’t seem to figure out how to skip to the next song on the headphones, themselves. There very well may be a way to do it and I am just not doing it right, but it doesn’t feel like the intuitive normal “click the volume up button quickly twice” way to change the song, so take this one with a grain of salt.4) User manual. I understand the purpose of shipping these w/o a printed user manual and access to the manual online, but I don’t really like that. It requires an extra step for me to figure out to use or troubleshoot the headphones, and assumes that everyone has reliable access to the internet whenever they may need the manual. But this is probably pretty insignificant for most people.If I could go back in time to when I purchased these, the only thing I would do differently is buy these in mint green instead of black simply bc that mint is SO pretty and I love fun colors. But the mint was more expensive than the black when I purchased these a few months ago. Other than that (completely superficial thing), I would absolutely buy these again, give these as a gift, and recommend them to friends.I will try to update again in a few months, but so far so great! Happy listening!

  4. pretty good for the price. i needed new headphones with preferably a Bluetooth + wired mode because they’d be multi-use for editing/animation & everyday tasks (listening to music, watching videos, gaming, etc), and i can say they’re pretty good for the price. i’m impressed with the overall features & i’m definitely keeping these as my main headphones, BUT there are a few downsides that pushed me to write this review— i’ll try to list the pros & cons as honestly as i can to hopefully help some people outwhile i was researching headphones, here were my must-haves:✓ Bluetooth + wired mode✓ comfort + great adjustability✓ decent audio quality✓ long battery lifepros:1) battery life + wired modeagain i’m an editor & animator, so i really appreciate that i’m able to just switch them into wired mode if i need & then take the cord right out when i wanna walk around my house & listen to music/podcasts.i was looking for something specifically Bluetooth with a low-latency mode + wired option with decent battery life, and so far i’m loving the long battery life— the reason i even started looking into new headphones was because my old ones would die so fast, but i can seriously use these for an entire day and the battery life doesn’t dip below 50%2) comfort + adjustabilityi’ll elaborate on why this is a con as well, but overall these are extremely comfortable WITHOUT glasses. the earpads swivel pretty far so it’s easy to adjust if they start to get uncomfortable. the ear pads are super soft too!3) pricei researched at least like a dozen other headphones before eventually settling on these, and i can say i’m definitely pleased that i found something with all these features for the price. they don’t feel cheap at all and it was worth the extra buck i’d sayi also like the amount of stuff it comes with. 🙂 3.5mm audio cable for wired mode, charging cable, case, and two different types of adaptors (3.5 mm to 6.35mm + aircraft). the 3.5mm to 6.35mm adaptor is really useful for plugging into my piano keyboard, giving these headphones just one more use which i really likemeh:1) comfort + adjustabilityone of the main things that compelled me to write this review was the discomfort i felt while wearing these with glasses.⚠️ before i continue i’d like to say i’m not feeling it as much anymore, I’ve had these for a couple of weeks & they’ve loosened up a little around my head!!!!!!!! but at first, it was so bad i almost considered returning old headphones were nearly unbearable to wear with glasses, so i was also looking for something comfortable enough to wear all day— i need to wear my glasses all the time so taking them off isn’t really an option either. if you’ve got thinner frames then i can’t see this being a problem for you, but my glasses frames are pretty thick & can therefore create more pressure/discomfort when pressed against the i listed above, the headphones are super adjustable & can be adjusted to be more comfortable— but on the other hand, every time i took the headphones off & put them back on, i’d have to find the perfect position to not feel immense discomfort while wearing my glasses. it wasn’t a dealbreaker for me so i guess this is just a warning for ppl with thicker glasses frames!2) range/latencythis one is kind of a nitpickI’ve only used these on my PC so far, so sometimes i’ll get up from my seat to go get a snack or something. the audio will start cutting out behind walls/if you go downstairs or upstairs, etc. this isn’t a dealbreaker since i understand Bluetooth will struggle at a range, but i definitely noticed it was worse than my old headphones. i had my old ones for several years & they were some cheap knockoff brand, so i guess i was just surprised that $60 headphones would start cutting off when there’s only a door between the device & the headphones.I’ve also noticed the latency is not that great, even in low-latency mode, but i don’t have a massive problem with this since i can just use the wired mode when i need it3) noise cancelingalso kind of a nitpick, but i’ve noticed the noise-canceling is … decent, but not amazingi 100% can’t notice outside noises when music is playing at a higher volume, but listening to podcasts & youtube videos makes it seem less impressivewhen i DO use NC mode, it generally does its job enough to keep my sensory issues at bay— i guess i just wish it could have been a little better for this price.i call this a nitpick because i wasn’t looking specifically for headphones for the noise-canceling feature. it was really just a bonus but i don’t find myself using it that often bcuz of how little difference i notice from non-NC mode.OVERALL:i know that the con list is long-winded, but i’d like to restate that i am overall pretty impressed with these & i intend to keep them as my main headphones. i’m kind of anxious when buying new things so i researched at least a dozen different pairs and ended up landing on these. i don’t regret buying them and i’d recommend them if you’re looking for something in this price range with these specific features!

  5. Tras dos meses intensivos de uso creo que ya puedo hacer una reseña en condiciones. Buscaba unos auriculares para poder ver películas, escuchar música o jugar sin molestar a los vecinos, que me permitieran aislarme del ruido y me facilitaran la concentración, y la verdad es que me han convencido totalmente.Los auriculares son plegable, vienen con una funda robusta y lo más importante, son bastante cómodos (para más indicaciones, soy cabezón y voy rapado, por lo que a alguien con un buen matorral de pelo le será inclusive más cómodo que a mí). Cabe destacar que tras una sesión intensiva (de más de seis horas) pueden ser algo molestos, pero me parece razonable porque no deja de ser algo que te sujeta la cabeza.La batería va genial. Creo que a lo sumo me dura una semana o algo así, y la carga es muy muy rápida. En poco más de media hora los vuelves a tener al 100%.En cuanto a conectividad, no he tenido problema alguno. Detecta el dispositivo por cercanía y he podido llegar a unos 20 metros (la otra punta de la casa, con paredes de por medio) sin ninguna interrupción en la señal.En lo relativo a la cancelación del ruido, son bastante efectivos. Solo con ponértelos (sin audio) ya percibes menor capacidad auditiva. En lo que se refiere a la ANC, en modo activo, el mejor ejemplo que puedo dar es la de veces que me han llamado por teléfono, y, aun con el móvil a menos de 20 cm, ni me he enterado. Añadir que, aunque para mí es lo que buscaba, hay más de un repartidor de Amazon cabreado conmigo por no escuchar el timbre de la puerta (y no, no es broma).En cuanto al audio, antes de comprarlos leí alguna crítica sobre el nivel de calidad. La verdad es que para mi oído se escucha todo muy bien, tanto música, como películas, como juegos. Pero como mis conocimientos en la temática son muy limitados, no me meto.Finalmente, el único punto crítico lo he tenido en videoconferencias o usándolo como micrófono en llamadas telefónicas. En este sentido si he notado algunos problemas. En algunas ocasiones ha funcionado bien, y en otras, he tenido que quitármelos para poder tener una conversación amena. En cualquier caso, como no los compre con estos fines, en mi caso les quito importancia.Por el precio que tienen, por la comodidad, la facilidad de uso, el estuche, y todo lo que he descrito anteriormente, les pongo un 4,9/5. Me parecen unos muy buenos cascos para quien los use para ocio.Quien haya llegado hasta aquí, espero que le sea útil mi reseña. ¡Saludos y a disfrutar!

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